Mark Hamilton Gruchy (6 Nov 1956 - 1 Feb 2023)

Originally from Jamaica, Mark has spent much of his time living and working in London. After completing a BA in Fine Art in Portsmouth, UK, he migrated from drawing into photography. Since then, he has worked as freelance photographer and educator whilst continuing to pursue his personal practice.

In 2006, he completed an MA in Digital Animation at The Cass at London Metropolitan University and has since been working with moving image and stills photography. Photography is his preferred medium though he does continue to use moving image as an adjunct to his personal work. His work has been exhibited internationally.

In the last few years of Mark’s life he was a Teaching Fellow at the British University of Vietnam, Hanoi.


Awards / Shortlist

2021: Winner, Sony World Photography Awards 2021, Moon Revisited project. (Professional, Creative category)

2021: 3rd Place and Jury Top 5 selection, International Photography Awards, The Moon Revisited. (Fine Art-Other category)

2021: Honourable Mention, International Photography Awards, The Top of the Lake. (Editorial-Other category)

2020: Finalist, Lensculture Journeys, Moon Revisited project

2016: Winner. Near Nazareth Film Festival. 'Temptation'

2010: Guggenheim Museum, YouTube Play. Biennial (Shortlisted) 'Continuum'

1998: Finalist in the 15th Awards of the Association of Photographers in the Portrait/Personal category.

Exhibitions and Screenings

Sony World Photography Awards, Paris, Galerie Joseph, 5-15th November 2021

BBA Photography Prize at Berlin Photo Week 2021, Raw Area, Berlin, 26 - 29 August 2021

Garis and Hahn, New York City, Identity of the Self. 23 Oct - 24 November 2013

PhotoSoup, Unit 24, London, April 2012

Casa Hilvana, (Fotoseptiembre) Mexico City, Mexico Sept 21, 2011

 Espai 27, Photo-Soup, Barcelona , 2010 (FILM & STILLS)

 Guggenheim Museum. New York, Venice, Berlin, Bilbao. YouTube Play,  2010 (FILM)

 Filmanimation, Cass MA Show. Roxy Cinema , London.  2007

 Bonhams, London. Orbis, 2006

 Published Portraits, AOP*, London.  2001

 Obsession, AOP, London.  1999

 Self Portraits, AOP, London. 1998

 AOP Awards, Barbican Centre, London. 1998

 Family Matters, AOP, London.  1997

 New Members, AOP, London.  1996


Copyright in and to all of the works created by Mark Hamilton Gruchy is owned by the estate of Mark Hamilton. All rights reserved. Purchase of an artwork does not confer a licence to reproduce. If you require permission to reproduce his work please get in touch at

*AOP: Asssociation of Photographers